The connection between oxygen and diabetes
The lack of oxygen, or hypoxia, would appear very far removed from any connections with diabetes mellitus – a condition of abnormal glucose metabolism.
Indeed, in recent years, medical scientists are beginning to find out that hypoxia is closely associated with disease processes in diabetes, and is not only the result of abnormal blood circulation present in diabetes, but is also responsible for driving progression of hypoxia is closely associated with disease processes in diabetes, and is not only the result of abnormal blood circulation present in diabetes, but is also responsible for driving progression of some diabetic complications.
Fat cell hypoxia
Fat cell hypoxia is clearly a factor that contributes to the development of insulin resistance and eventually, diabetes. The role that hypoxia plays in the causation of a diabetic state was made clearer through the work of researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. They discovered that eating fatty foods causes activation of a protein inside the fat cell membrane, called adenine nucleotide translocase 2 (ANT2), which consumes huge amounts of oxygen, leaving very little for the rest of the cell.
When a cell is oxygen starved (hypoxic), it becomes ‘stressed’ and will release nasty substances called ‘chemokines’ that turn on the immune system’s inflammatory response. When this happens, the resulting low-grade tissue inflammation will impair the way cells interact with insulin, which leads to insulin resistance – a state where insulin gets less and less effective in lowering blood sugar. This precedes the development of type 2 diabetes.

Hypoxia in diabetes patients
Diabetes patients suffer poor blood flow through the narrowed small blood vessels (microangiopathy) all over their body. This means that the oxygen carried in red blood cells have difficulty getting through these narrowed vessels to reach the body tissue.In a clinical study conducted in the Netherlands, researchers found that people with diabetes, when compared to healthy subjects without diabetes, have consistently lower tissue oxygen values measured at various sites of the body. They deduced that this could be due to the narrowed blood vessels supplying inadequate oxygen to the body cells, causing hypoxia. The doctors at the Hyperbaric Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital, The University of Adelaide, South Australia also discovered that increasing the patient’s body oxygen levels using hyperbaric oxygen therapy led to better response of the body to insulin with more effective blood sugar lowering, further drawing the link between diabetes and body oxygen levels.
Sleep Apnea Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when your throat muscles intermittently relax and block your airway during sleep, commonly observed as snoring. This causes breathing to repeatedly stop and start during sleep, leading to intermittent lack of oxygen to the brain. Severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) increases a person’s risk of developing diabetes by 30% or more, according to a study of 11,000 patients published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Intermittent hypoxia in people with obstructive sleep apnea is found to propagate insulin resistance and increase the risks of developing diabetes. Now that that link has been confirmed in such a large trial with a long follow-up period, clinicians may be able to intervene and take diabetes prevention measures for patients with OSA who have not yet developed the disease.

Anecdotal Evidence: Fighting Diabetes with ELO
"When my sugar reading dropped to the lowest I have ever achieved in all of the past 31 years, I felt it's really an accomplishment for myself. I'm just feeling so full of life at the moment. I feel good because I feel that my body is improving without adding on more drugs than necessary ," Datin Mariza Maarof said.
Datin Mariza Maarof is an ELO user from Malaysia, who has been fighting diabetes for the past 31 years. She shares her story with us on how consuming ELO Drinking Water regularly has helped her improve her blood sugar control.
Shared information is from real people with real conditions who have testified to the observed benefits they experienced from consuming ELO range of products.
Information presented are displayed without any representations or warranties, either express or implied. In particular, Multi Water Holdings Ltd. and its related companies do not represent, warrant or claim that the medical conditions described may be treated, cured or prevented by the products and services described herein. Please be advised that all content is intended solely for informative reference and purposes and is not to advertise the use (or lead to the use) of any treatment or the oral consumption of any product. Multi Water Holdings Ltd. and its related companies do not advocate the refusal, postponement, or discontinuation of any medical advice and/or treatments due to information obtained from this document. Any misuse or misunderstanding of such information by readers is not the responsibility of Multi Water Holdings Ltd. and its related companies.
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5. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Incident Diabetes. A Historical Cohort Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 19 Number 2, July 15, 2014.
6. Sleep Apnea in Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Spectrum 2016 Feb; 29(I): 14-19.